function [x, y, z] = torus (r, n, a) %Source: % TORUS Generate a torus. % torus (r, n, a) generates a plot of a % torus with central radius a and % lateral radius r. % n controls the number of facets % on the surface. % These input variables are optional % with defaults r = 0.5, n = 30, a = 1. % % [x, y, z] = torus(r, n, a) generates % three (n + 1)-by-(n + 1) matrices so % that surf (x, y, z) will produce the % torus. % % See also SPHERE, CYLINDER % % MATLAB Primer, 6th Edition % Kermit Sigmon and Timothy A. Davis % Section 11.5, page 65. if nargin < 3, a = 1 ; end if nargin < 2, n = 30 ; end if nargin < 1, r = 0.5 ; end theta = pi * (0:2:2*n)/n ; phi = 2*pi* (0:2:n)'/n ; xx = (a + r*cos(phi)) * cos(theta) ; yy = (a + r*cos(phi)) * sin(theta) ; zz = r * sin(phi) * ones(size(theta)) ; if nargout == 0 surf (xx, yy, zz) ; ar = (a + r)/sqrt(2) ; axis([-ar, ar, -ar, ar, -ar, ar]) ; else x = xx ; y = yy ; z = zz ; end