Referring to Figure 1 below, the Lagrange top is an axisymmetric rigid body whose point of contact with a horizontal surface is fixed. Such an object is referred to as the Lagrange top because Lagrange considered the dynamics of this body in his Mécanique Analytique (see [1]).
Equations of motion
For the Lagrange top illustrated in Figure 1, we take its mass to be and assume the fixed contact point
is directly beneath the top’s mass center
such that the relative position vector for
, where
is the top’s corotational basis. We may track the location of the top’s mass center using a set of Cartesian coordinates,
, and therefore the linear momentum of the top is given by
, where
represents the space-fixed basis. The orientation of the top may be described by, say, a 3-1-3 set of Euler angles:
, and

The Lagrange top’s longitudinal axis is assumed to be an axis of symmetry (i.e., the body is symmetric about the direction), and thus the top’s principal moments of inertia
. We may then express the angular momentum of the top about its center of mass as
, where
are the corotational components of angular velocity that, for a 3-1-3 set of Euler angles, are related to
, and
and their rates of change as follows:
The Lagrange top is subject to three integrable (holonomic) constraints of the form that arise from the fact that the contact point
is fixed, i.e., the velocity
. These constraints relate the location of the mass center to the top’s orientation.
The equations of motion for the Lagrange top may be obtained by applying a balance of linear momentum and a balance of angular momentum with respect to the top’s center of mass: and
, respectively, where the top’s weight and the reaction forces at the fixed contact point
contribute to the net force
and the net moment
about the mass center. The resulting differential equations from applying the balance laws can then be expressed in the first-order form
for numerical integration in MATLAB, where we define the state vector
Simulation and animation
For an arbitrary choice of initial conditions for the Euler angles and their rates of change, numerical simulation shows that the Lagrange top generally behaves like a spherical pendulum, assuming the top is allowed to fall below the horizontal. A typical example of this pendulum-like behavior is animated in Figure 2.
Figure 2. Animation of the pendulum-like behavior of the Lagrange top that is typical for an arbitrary choice of initial conditions. The path of the top’s tip is traced out to illustrate the top’s range of motion. The animation was recorded at 5x slower speed.
However, it is possible for the Lagrange top to undergo a steady motion in which it precesses and spins at constant rates (that is, and
, respectively, are constant) while at a fixed nutation angle
under the following condition:
An animation of a representative steady motion is shown in Figure 3.
Figure 3. Animation of the Lagrange top undergoing a steady motion in which the trajectory of the top’s tip is a circle. The animation was recorded at 5x slower speed.
The Lagrange top features several conservations. It can be shown that the top’s simulated motion conserves two components of the top’s angular momentum with respect to the fixed contact point :
. In addition, the top’s total mechanical energy
is conserved:
The animations in Figures 2 and 3 were generated using the following MATLAB code: