Here, we explicitly show how, with knowledge of the strains for a directed curve and a particular parameterization of a rotation tensor, one may determine the orientation of the curve’s associated directors at each material point by solving a system of ordinary differential equations.
Equations of motion
Referring to Figure 1, consider an inextensible material curve of length with convected coordinate
. We define a right-handed orthonormal triad
at each material point in the curve’s reference configuration
. Similarly, we have at each
in the curve’s current configuration
an associated triad
, where the vectors
are known as directors. Note that the absolute position of a material point on the curve in the reference and current configurations is denoted by
, respectively, which are expressed in terms of the space-fixed basis

Recall that according to Kirchhoff’s rod theory, the triads and
at each
for the material curve are related such that
, where
, and
is a rotation tensor. As illustrated in Figure 1, we assume the material curve is undeformed (i.e., it is straight with no pre-twist) in the reference configuration
such that
Following Love [1], we use a 3-2-3 set of Euler angles ,
, and
to parameterize the rotation tensor
, and therefore
are related via the matrix-vector expression
Kirchhoff’s constraints imply that there exists an axial vector
associated with the skew-symmetric tensor , with
. Consequently, (2) yields
where denote strain measures for the material curve;
correspond to bending of the curve, while
is associated with torsion. By extracting the
components of expression (3), we obtain a system of ordinary differential equations that governs the orientation of the triad
at every material point on the directed curve. These differential equations may be expressed in the first-order form
for numerical integration in MATLAB, where the prime denotes differentiation with respect to the convected coordinate
. If we define the state vector
, then
Thus, by providing the strains and the initial orientation of the directed curve, we may determine the evolution of the Euler angles, and hence the orientation of
, along the curve. Lastly, because
, the shape of the material curve,
, is obtained as follows:
Simulation and animation
For the simulation results that follow, the material curve is m long and begins at the origin:
. The initial orientation was chosen such that
, and
in order to avoid a singularity in the 3-2-3 set of Euler angles.
First, as a check of our numerical simulation, suppose we leave the material curve undeformed, i.e., the strains . In this case, we expect the triad
to remain in the same orientation at each material point along the curve. This behavior is verified when we animate the corresponding results from numerical integration; a sample animation is provided in Figure 2. In this and subsequent animations, the directors
are drawn in blue and red, respectively, while the vector
is drawn in green, as shown in Figure 1.

Next, we may cause the material curve to be in pure bending by prescribing either ,
, and
, or
, and
. The animation in Figure 3 demonstrates the variation in
along the curve for the case when
, and

Pure torsion of the material curve is possible if we set ,
, and
. For example, when we prescribe
, and
, it is clear from the corresponding animation in Figure 4 that the spinning behavior of
results from the curve having been twisted.

Lastly, we may deform the material curve in more complicated ways by combining bending and torsion, and by specifying strains that vary along the curve. Consider, for example, the material curve depicted in Figure 5 that is subject to both constant bending and torsion: ,
, and
. Consequently, the variation in
along the curve is more elaborate than the cases of pure bending and pure torsion.

Alternatively, suppose the strains vary along the material curve according to, say, ,
, and
. As shown in Figure 6, the orientation of
at each material point varies in a more complicated manner than for the simple bending or torsion cases.

The animations in Figures 2–6 were generated using the following MATLAB code: